Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ithaca, NY

Willow trees grow abundantly lining the water of the
Cayuga Lake. A picture can not capture the way it moves
mysteriously with the breeze of the water.  Old trees that
seem to have a story. 

The Visitors Center located on hwy 41 entering Ithaca.
Open 24hours, with beautiful views of the Cayuga Lake.
Please let me know if you have been to a visitors center
that is open 24hours and the location:)

The Cayuga is the longest of the glacerial Finger Lakes, and
second largest in surface area.
The adjacent picture was our camp spot, the night
we spent in Ithaca. Free of charge we stayed on this
hill with the town above and below us, and
 Buttermilk Falls to our right. We never know
what we might find. 
Ithaca Gun Company was established
in 1880 and produced some of the world's
famous shotguns, Annie Oakley was a
regular customer. This old smokestack
still stands proud reminding the town
of its history. Chris and I found a piece
of the stack down by the waterfall, keeping
it as a souvenir and printed Ithaca Guns
on it for a keep sake. 

We had a beer at the local pub just down the hill before we set out downtown on the
Solar Tour. A self-guided tour  through the town find the planets of the solar system
 represented in their actual size.The planet's size as well as the distance
 between the planets is correctly scaled down. Putting significance on just
 how small we are in this universe.
A nice surprise at each stop, was that you can call in and hear facts about
 each planet, narrated by none other than Bill Nye (He's the SCIENCE Guy).
Chris says, "SCIENCE RULES!!!!"

Random Van that we saw along the way...way cool.

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