Friday, April 13, 2012

The Hike

Chris and I took the Ridge Creek Trail hike at Sned-Acres. The trail leads down to Mack Creek. Much of the creek is dried up right now due to little rain, however, there were places that the water continued to  flow over the rounded rocks. The water defined the rocks and left water level marks on them and turned the rocks beautiful colors of brick red, sunset orange, midnight black, chalky white, and elephant grey. The most amazing was where water pooled in small corners of the rock cliff mountain. Little pools that were crystal clear. Inviting. Cool to the touch. The hike was lovely but the nats were not. We learned from the land owner, Lynn, that the nats on the trail were unseasonable. Chris would lead for a while warding them off with his beanie then I would take over and swat across our path with my scarf. And in the midst of battling the nats we are calling at each other to watch out for the poison ivy "here and there."  We didn't realize just how much poison ivy we were walking through until about half way in. Yikes!! No signs of it yet!!!

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