Saturday, June 9, 2012

Scenic Byways...Off the Hwys

Traveling the roads less traveled is a lot more fun than staying on the hwy. The Native American Byway, also marked as the Lewis and Clark Trail Hwy, goes through the reservations of four tribes of the Lakota Sioux tribe. There is miles of untouched breathtaking land, ranch land, traveling north to Pierre which is the capital of South Dakota. Important to stop in Chamberlain for gas.  The road climbs, the Missouri river runs along to the east glistening in the sun's eye. Mares and stallions stand on hills looking proud that the land is their own, as if to say, "Yeah we like it here, we have it made." Every hill you cross brings a new experience of the land and the people who worship it. Storms come up fast in the middle of South Dakota, the skies can make the ride uneasy if you don't know what the storm is bringing. Chris and I had just purchased a weather radio 50 miles before we ran straight into a large storm. I scrambled to get that HORRID plastic packaging off, as we headed into the eye. We thought for sure that it must be a tornado but finally finding a station on our hand held, it reassured us, with no emergency warning.

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