Sunday, June 3, 2012

House on the ROCK, Springfield WI

You can attempt to make sense of this nonsense but there is no real sense in doing will never make any matter how you look at it...It's GREAT.

In the words of Freddy W. --there is this guy (Alex Jordon) he like loved Frank Lloyd Wright and he finally gets a chance to met him, and he like shows his architectural drawings to him and Frank Lloyd Wright is like dude you totally stink at this, and he was like well I'm gonna show him and pointed to this crazy big rock and said I'm gonna build a crazy-ass house there.

And so that is what he did....

Upon entering you are given 5 tokens. Throughout the house you can put your token into the slot and anything can happen, from intruments playing to puppets acting.

The Infinity Room.
Diminishing perspective at its finest, reaching out at least 100feet, you can feel it shaking beneath you as you walk farther and farther.

Coming Soon: A video of House on the Rock!! It's the only way to even start to understand the randomness of this place. Keep your eyes peeled.

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