Friday, May 25, 2012

Playful Goose

Arriving late in the afternoon we approached the office to check in, we told the man at the counter we would like to stay two nights, and we were Passport American members. Chris said, "Yeah we probably never would have found you if it weren't for Passport America." The man responded, "Well we been here for 40years, me and my brother bought this place back in the 70's."  The conversation continued... He had so much to tell us. An alien conspiracy theorist, an extremest to say the least, he talked to Chris and I for about 35minutes, going on and on. He would say things like, "Do you know how much a tenth of gold cost?" and before we could answer he would say, "No you don'T," then proceed to tell us the answer. "Do you know how good carrot juice is for you? good it is to juice everything?...then he would some how relate it to an alien. He was a follower of  a Czechoslovakian alien  theorist from the 1900's. I stood there becoming dizzy, not really listening, dazed, waiting on some chance to get out. He told us, "Well, I guess I'll let you guys get out of here...." NOT a chance. I wonder if he was laughing inside. He finally released us from captivity and we found a lovely spot by the river. We spent two beautiful days here. We watched small boats go up and down the wide river, and I spotted a small buck playfully bounding through the brush on the other side. Locals say the river use to be clear straight to the bottom, now stained dark brown. Some years ago the river had to be dammed up, becoming stagnant, the tandem from the bark had nowhere to go and turned the water. Our nights were spent by the fire cooking our tin foiled wrapped potatoes, chicken, and peppers...YUM.

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