A lot to cover about good 'ol Yellowstone, and most, I am afraid will just have to be saved for stories. Wildlife, geysers, thermal areas, Mammoth Hot Springs, a petrified tree, mud volcanoes, rivers and waterfalls. So much to see!! We even saw black bears and baby cubs, and one mama and her cub lured over our campground one evening, soon to turn away back into the wild. We have done a lot since Yellowstone and there is so much new stuff to share. Here are some pictures of Yellowstone to tie you over...I will catch all of you up on what we have been doing lately
real soon.
Darn...so it turns out that this really, technically, is not an official spot of the 45th Parallel, the sign was moved years ago because the original location, in Yellowstone became a danger to tourist, being in a heavily trafficked area, and the sign being one of the most photographed signs in the park. The 45th Parallel runs through other places in Montana and Wyoming supposedly...but this is not one of those locations. Sad. Poor tourists...some will never know. We did in fact cross over the
Continental Divide several times.
Heather, these are the most beautiful pictures yet!!! Can't wait to read more!!